Tanera Simons – Agent Wishlist

My interests lie in rom-com, love stories, commercial historical fiction, book club, and in female-driven novels with a slightly darker edge. Across all of these I am always looking for a strong hook – a set-up that immediately intrigues me and makes me want to find out more – as well as rich, layered characters who we…

How Do You Make a Picture Book?

Picture book writing can often seem like a mystery. But the truth is picture book writers go through exactly the same trials and tribulations as any other writer. Ahead of the publication of her latest title, multiple picture book author Caroline Crowe talks about the importance of perseverance and how timing can be everything on…

Beth O’Leary: Do I need an Agent?

Are agents really necessary? What would an agent do for me and how could they help me reach my goal of being published? These are all valid questions for any prospective author. While not everyone goes down the traditional route of getting an agent, we thought we’d ask Sunday Times Bestseller Beth O’Leary to tell…

Rejection: An Author’s Perspective

Another post on rejection, I hear you cry? While we of course love focusing on the many positives and celebrating all publications and book launches, we’re acutely aware of the painful process every author goes through to reach that goal. So, following on from our last post giving our agents’ perspectives on rejection, we thought…

Mary Hargreaves’ top podcast recommendations for aspiring authors

Writing – it’s a solitary business. It’s often difficult to stay connected with the wider industry and fellow writers when you’re cooped up with just your keyboard for company. But as author Mary Hargreaves has discovered, one of the best ways of feeling part of the writing community is through the power of podcasts. Mary,…